What are Hand-Tied Lace Top Wigs and Why You Need One

If you are looking for a wig that offers the most natural look and feel, you might want to consider a hand tied lace top wig. A hand-tied lace top wig is a type of wig that has a lace front and a monofilament top, where each hair is individually hand-tied to the base. .

This creates a realistic appearance of hair growth from the scalp and allows you to part the hair in any direction. A hand tied lace top wig also provides a comfortable and breathable fit, as the cap is soft and flexible.

4 reasons to buy a hand tied lace top wig

Hand-tied lace top wigs are becoming more popular among wig wearers and for good reasons. Here are some of the benefits of hand tied lace top wigs that make them worth investing in:

  • They are versatile.
    You can style your hand tied lace top wig in different ways, such as pulling it back, tucking it behind your ears, or wearing it in a ponytail or bun. You can also change the parting of your wig to suit your mood or occasion. A hand tied lace top wig gives you more styling options than a regular wig.

  • They are comfortable.
    A hand tied lace top wig has a lightweight and breathable cap that conforms to your head shape. The cap does not have any wefts or seams that can cause irritation or discomfort. A hand tied lace top wig feels like your own hair and does not cause any headaches or pressure points.

  • They are durable.
    A hand-tied wig is made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship. The hair is securely attached to the base and does not shed or tangle easily. A hand tied wig can last longer than a regular wig if you take good care of it.

  • They are realistic.
    A hand-tied lace top wig has a natural-looking hairline and scalp that blends seamlessly with your skin tone. The hair is soft and silky and moves naturally with your head movements. A hand tied lace top wig looks like your own hair and does not have any artificial shine or texture.

If you are interested in getting a hand tied lace top wig, you can check out some of the options available at Chavie Russell Wigs. Chavie Russell Wigs is a leading online store that offers high-quality human hair wigs, custom-made wigs, and ready-made wigs. Chavie Russell Wigs has a wide range of hand tied wigs in different styles, colors, and lengths to suit your preferences and needs.

A hand tied human hair wig is also different from a synthetic wig, which is made from artificial fibers that mimic human hair. A synthetic wig may have limitations in styling, color, and heat resistance than a hand tied human hair wig. A synthetic wig may also lose its shape and texture over time, while a hand-tied human hair wig can retain its quality and appearance with proper care.

8 women with lace top wigs

When buying a hand tied wig, there are some important factors that you should consider to ensure that you get the best value and quality for your money. Here are some of the things that you should look out for when shopping for a hand tied wig:

  • The hair quality.
    The hair quality of a hand tied wig is one of the most crucial aspects that determines its appearance and performance. You should look for a hand tied wig that uses 100% human hair, preferably Remy hair, which is the highest grade of human hair.

    Remy hair is collected from a single donor and has all the cuticles intact and aligned in the same direction. This prevents tangling, matting, and shedding, and preserves the natural texture and shine of the hair. Remy hair also allows you to style your hand tied wig with heat tools, such as curling irons or flat irons, without damaging the hair.

  • The cap construction.
    The cap construction of a hand tied wig refers to how the hair is attached to the base of the wig. You should look for a hand tied wig that has a lace front and a monofilament top, as these features provide the most natural look and feel. 

    A lace front creates a seamless transition from your forehead to the wig, and allows you to style your hair away from your face. A monofilament top creates the illusion of hair growing from your scalp, and allows you to part your hair in any direction. A hand tied wig also has a stretchable cap that adapts to your head shape and size, and provides a comfortable and secure fit.
  • The density and length.
    The density and length of a hand tied wig are also important factors that affect its appearance and style. You should look for a hand tied wig that has a realistic and balanced density, not too thin or too thick. A too thin wig may expose the cap or your scalp, while a too thick wig may look unnatural or bulky.

    A realistic density also depends on the length of the hair, as longer hair tends to be heavier and thinner than shorter hair. You should also choose a length that suits your face shape and personal preference. You can always trim or layer your hand tied wig to achieve your desired length and style.

  • The color and texture.
    The color and texture of a hand tied wig are also essential factors that influence its attractiveness and versatility. You should look for a hand tied wig that matches or complements your skin tone and natural hair color. You can also experiment with different shades or highlights to add some dimension and interest to your look.

    You should also choose a texture that matches or enhances your natural hair texture, such as straight, wavy, curly, or kinky. You can also change the texture of your hand tied wig with heat tools or wet sets, as long as you use them carefully and sparingly.

By paying attention to these factors, you can find a hand tied wig that meets your expectations and needs. A hand tied wig is an investment that can boost your confidence and beauty with its natural look and feel. If you are looking for a reliable and reputable source of high-quality hand tied wigs, you can visit our Hand Tied Collection, where you can find a variety of hand tied wigs in different styles, colors, and lengths.